Saturday, July 25, 2009

The Beginning.

To all guys who adore their wives/girlfriends/significant others, but feel you suffer through the various movies you're forced to watch or books that take an eternity to read, this is the my way of reaching out and helping my fellow man. The title of this blog "Why does she hate me so?" is a question we've all asked ourselves at one time or another. Maybe during a long chick flick, or during dinner with her parents, but the question has come up in one form or another. The idea for this blog was born, ironically enough, from one of the many techniques I use while watching the ever so popular Harry Potter, and was set in motion by the ever so painful Bridget Jones's Dairy. By "techniques", I mean things I do to get through a movie, book, or activity with sanity intact.

This is my first time blogging and it took a lot to get me to finally go through with this, and chances are my thoughts might be a little frazzled at times, but if you the reader can bare with me I'm sure the advice and reviews on things she wants you to participate in will be invaluable (granted you're a guy reading this.) Some of the advice I give will not be recent seeing as I'm just starting the blog, and most of it will not be in chronological order. But really that's not the point, this is advice from experience. Now I haven't done it all, and by no means am I trying to be doctor Phil. These are just things that have worked for me, and my thoughts on whatever it was I was doing at the time. So just think of this first entry as the pilot episode to many more tips and tricks, and who knows, maybe there are a few movies, books, or activities you can enjoy just because you actually like it.

I guess my topic of attack tonight will be the Harry Potter movies 1 through 5. I gotta say I had some extreme opposition to watching this series. In fact, the only reason I watched it was because I lost a bet to my girlfriend. You would think being a self proclaimed nerd that this movie would appeal to me, but the general idea of young kids learning witchcraft and wizardry was as silly an idea to me as sparkling vampires. However, I'm a little ashamed to say it grew on me in a big way. After the fifth movie I'm even considering reading the series, but it's only a consideration. The way I made myself get into Harry P. is by drawing parallels and similarities from something I was already very interested in, Naruto. That's right, as I mention before, I am a nerd. And being such, I like a few anime. One of which being the Naruto series, and it's amazing how similar these are to each other. After that it was easy to fall into the story and like the characters. So tonight that's my tip, if you find yourself stuck watching something you think is no interest to you, make connections to something you already like. Believe me, at worst it make what your watching bearable. At best, it makes you want more.


  1. You know I don't hate you honeyman :-)
    You're just a sweetheart.

    Can't wait to see what you have to say about the last movie you watched with me!

  2. Fun idea for a blog!

    My husband and I have come to an understanding. He watches what I want then he gets to watch The History Channel (or whatever dumb movie - IMO - he wants) and I'm not allowed to comment.

    it works and more often than not we end up enjoying ourselves.

  3. Faith, hope, and love -
    the greatest of these is love.
    Jump into faith.
    God bless you.
